Privacy Policy

1. Privacy Policy and Data Protection Policy.

In guarantee of your right to the protection of your personal data, the Spanish Association of Compressive Vascular Syndromes (AESCOV) informs you of its Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy describes the data that is collected and the purposes for which it is used, as well as the rights you have to access the data, update it, modify it, cancel it or oppose the processing. Users have the fundamental right to have their personal data treated confidentially and to have their security protected on the network. In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 and Organic Law 3/2018, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, of December 5 2018, AESCOV, as owner of the domain, informs its users that our information systems comply with current legislation on data protection.

2. Responsible for the processing of personal data

The person responsible for the processing of the personal data that the user provides when accessing and using the website is, as owner, the Spanish Association of Vascular Compressive Syndromes (AESCOV), with address at Plaza de Los Fueros, 1, Arróniz (Navarra). ) and C.I.F. G71487664. Registered in the National Registry of Associations of the Ministry of the Interior with number 627025. AESCOV is the owner of the domain For more information, the contact email is: [email protected].

AESCOV undertakes to apply the computer security measures provided for in the applicable regulations, with the aim of preventing access to or improper use of data, its manipulation, deterioration or loss.

3. Legitimation for data processing

The user legitimizes AESCOV to process their personal data through their free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent, since after reading this Privacy Policy the user is informed and, if they agree, they can accept it through a declaration or a clear affirmative action, such as checking a box provided for this purpose on any of the available forms or sending a communication by email or postal mail.

4. Personal data of minors

AESCOV informs users that, in order to process personal data of minors under 14 years of age, the consent of parents, guardians or those who have parental authority over the minor is necessary. In this sense, AESCOV reserves the right to request any documentation that is necessary to verify the filiation, status of guardian or parental authority of the minor.

5. Duration of data storage

AESCOV, as data controller, undertakes to store and manage the personal data and information collected through this website and the available forms with due confidentiality as long as the relationship that has arisen is maintained and the interested party does not request its deletion, and if applicable. , for a period not exceeding 5 years, counting from the end of the relationship established between the user and AESCOV. However, the data controller may keep the data, duly blocked, to address possible administrative or jurisdictional responsibilities, if applicable.

6. Purposes of the data collected

The purposes for which AESCOV, owner of the website and data controller, uses personal data are detailed:

Manage contact forms to respond to your requests for information and respond to questions raised.

Know the user's preferences and interests to better understand and serve their needs.

Manage your registration as a member of the association, collect fees, in addition to maintaining contact with you and informing you of the activities of the entity.

Inform you about AESCOV's activity and, where applicable, about other products and services, including activities or events promoted by AESCOV or in which you participate.

Carrying out surveys and statistical studies, with anonymous results, without, in any case, the name and surname of the participants in said surveys and studies appearing.

In any case, all users are informed of the non-mandatory nature of the collection of certain data, except in the fields in which it is necessary for the purposes described above, in which the need to provide it will be indicated. In this sense, failure to complete said data may prevent the provision of those Services that depend on knowledge of such data, so AESCOV is exempt from liability for non-provision or incomplete provision of such Services, linked to the necessary collection of data. such data.

It is the sole responsibility of the user for the veracity of the information provided, as well as for its updating. Consequently, AESCOV reserves the right to exclude from its provision of services and even completely cancel the provision of services already started to any user who has provided illegal data, as soon as it becomes aware of it, without prejudice to the other actions that may be taken in Right.

7. Data communication

In general, AESCOV will not communicate these personal data to third parties, with the exception that the provision of a service implies the need for a contractual relationship with a third party and this is strictly necessary to manage and maintain the relationship between the user and AESCOV, prior express authorization by the user. This will be done only during the essential time and under the same conditions and with the same responsibilities that are required of the person responsible. Once the order is completed, the third party will return the personal data to the controller and delete any copy it has.

On the other hand, only third parties with whom AESCOV has a legal or contractual obligation to provide them will have the right to access these personal data.

8. User rights

The user may exercise at any time, in the terms established in current legislation, the rights of access, rectification or deletion of data, request that the processing be limited, oppose it, request the portability of their data, as well as revoke the consent given, rights recognized in applicable legislation.

The user can exercise these rights by contacting AESCOV at the address of its registered office indicated above; by sending an email to the following address [email protected] or to the postal address Plaza de Los Fueros, 1, Arróniz (Navarra).

For the effective exercise of these rights, the user must prove their identity by providing their name and surname, photocopy of their DNI or equivalent identification document that proves their identity, request in which the request is specified, address for notification purposes, and date and signature of the applicant.